The End is Nigh ...

german version

... but rC3-world will stay for just a little bit longer.

rC3 ends with the the closing event on December 30th at 19:00. After that we will provide most of the infrastructure on a best-effort basis* until January 1st mid-morning and wish you all a very happy new year! Stay safe, stay home! Be excellent to each other!

World-Chats, Jitsi & BBB

Yes, you can plan your new year's eve party with the Jitsi servers provided at rC3. Have a great evening together!


Yes, you may have a good evening inside the rC3 Lounge. Our DJ-team will dig deep inside their treasure-chests to entertain you.


Yes, you can call all your favourite nerds at midnight via eventphone and wish them a happy new year. You can also reach several teams* but please have a look on the maps of the individual teams like info desk and heaven, etc. where and when they are available.

Badges & Achievements

Please be aware that after the end of the rC3-world everything will be gone forever. If you collected badges, you can export them in your profile on the platform. To do so, go to your profile page and the badge section and click on Export all your badges as ZIP file.

See you soon!